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Selectmen's Minutes May 22, 2006

May 22, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone, Frederick Gallup and Stephen White.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS:  George Curt, Arlene Adams, Helen Charpentier, Bill Mealey, Shaun Carroll, Charlotte Brown, Judy Ulinski, Gene Hall, Mike Durfor,  Patricia Hall, Harry Gazelle, Donna Gazell, Clayton Adams and Catherine Busheuf.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Roach.

First item of business was the election of officers.  Motion was made by Stephen White to nominate Emma Smith as Chairman.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.   The roll call for votes was all in favor of Emma Smith for Chairman.  The motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Richard Leone to nominate Stephen White as Vice Chairman.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The roll call for votes was all in favor of Stephen White for Vice Chairman.  The motion carried unanimously.

Emma Smith informed those present that a note appears at the top of the agenda stating that the Children’s Garden discussion with the Board of Selectmen has been postponed until June 5, 2006.   Donna Nashawaty explained that because of all of the rain, the Beautification Committee did not have the opportunity to stake out the site.  She also suggested that a different location be found to hold the June 5 meeting as many people are expected to attend.  D. Nashawaty will contact the school to see if a room may be available.  


Joint Meeting with School Board

The Board introduced themselves.  Present were Shaun Carroll, Vice Chairman, Charlotte Brown, George Curt, Arlene Adams, Chairman, and Judy Ulinski. Chairman Adams related that the reason the School Board wished to meet with the Selectmen is to create a dialogue between the two boards.  She feels that the relationship has gotten better between the town and school and they wish to work together as both boards represent the same taxpayers.  The School Board is planning on reinstituting the elementary school renovation project as the school is in great need of repairs.  They will be creating a committee to study and present ideas on how to achieve this more financially favorable to the taxpayers.  The School Board applied for a waiver for the required access road which was a big ticket item.  One condition for the waiver is to receive approval from the Fire
Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006

Chief.  This has not been done yet.  Another condition for the waiver is that a letter needs to be presented stating that the second access will go in eventually.  The second access is being addressed in the Master Plan.  The more delay for improvements to the building, the higher the cost.  George Curt and Superintendent Bill Mealey did meet on site with the Commissioner of Education.  The third condition was that the school show the ability to do further renovation on site without the second access.  G. Curt would like to see the School Board and Selectmen bring forth a solid voice in this project.   An organizational meeting to begin discussions on the project is being held at the elementary school on June 12, 2006.    He invited the Selectmen to attend.  Shaun Carroll raised discussion on the BAC and their charge as far as overseeing the budget of the schools.  He believes there is a misunderstanding between the School Board and BAC and feels the BAC should only be reviewing the budget of the school to make sure it is done legally and is necessary.  He does not feel they should try to steer the Board.  S. Carroll stated that the BAC did attend all budget meetings, but did not attend any of the tours that were conducted of the school to show the public why the renovations were necessary.  Neither did they attend any of the renovation committee meetings.  Stephen White explained that the BAC does not report to the Selectmen.  Stephen White stated that he felt the duty of the BAC was to view the bottom lines of the budgets presented and determine if what is being asked would put too much of a burden on the taxpayer.  He added that the Selectmen appoint them but do not control them.  He personally feels that the School Board did present too much for the taxpayers to bear.  He believes it failed because it was too much money.  William Roach stated that he felt the article failed because of the size of the project money wise and the fact that the town just went through a revaluation.  People did not know what their tax bills were going to be.  Emma Smith suggested that the Selectmen explore the concerns presented about the BAC.  She understands that the duty of the BAC is to oversee the budgeting process, but feels they should report to the Selectmen.  E. Smith raised the issue of the BAC submitting approval or non-approval of warrant articles and that fact that their opinion should not be included in the warrant.  George Curt suggested a work shop be held with the BAC, School Board and Selectmen to work out these issues.  Bill Mealey expressed his frustration on the BAC’s lack of knowledge of the required costs to operate the schools.  Emma Smith stated that the BAC does put in a lot of voluntary hours attending meetings, etc. and discussed the need for individuals who wish to do this.  Arlene Adams suggested a workshop in September with the BAC, School Board and Selectmen.  Also a possible newsletter to the taxpayers explaining what the budgeting process is and the duties of the BAC.  Gene Hall stated that he, as a taxpayer, feels that the education budget in Sunapee is extremely high if you look at the dollars spent per student.  He does believe that something needs to be done at the school but questions if the taxpayers can afford it.   G. Hall stated that he does not believe the taxpayers are getting the whole story.  They hear the bad things about the school but don’t hear how the students are actually doing.  Shaun Carroll said he wish to state for the record that the School Board has reported to the public on the achievements of the students.  

Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006

Arlene Adams again suggested a meeting be held in the fall.  D. Nashawaty suggested as early in September as possible.  George Curt suggested an objective party facilitate the meeting.  The School Board thanked the Selectmen for their time.

Swearing in Police Lieutenant

Chief David Cahill was present with Sergeant Joseph Collins who will be sworn in as the new Lieutenant of the Sunapee Police Department.  Town Clerk, Betty Ramspott was present to swear him in.  Chief Cahill presented the past positions and accomplishments of Sergeant Collins.  Sergeant Collins has a long history of working in law enforcement from municipalities to the State of New Hampshire.  He has received a great deal of training and Chief Cahill would like to promote Sergeant Collins to the position of Lieutenant.  

Mike Durfor – French Livery

Mike Durfor informed the Board that he and Patryc Wiggins spoke before Sunapee Invite recently.  P. Wiggins explained to the group how long it took her to get the Eagle Block project completed.  The amount of time the volunteers put in was great.  M. Durfor stated that he for sees that the French Livery (old Town Hall) project will also take a great deal of time to renovate especially in trying to determine and agree what the taxpayers want to see at the site.  M. Durfor asked that the Selectmen appoint a committee to look at this building.  This should be a separate committee from the Town Building Committee as they could focus only on this building and not other Town buildings.  The renovation of this building will have a lasting impact on the history of the Town.  M. Durfor stated that one of the first things this committee could be charged with is where will the funding come from to renovate the building.    Mike Durfor stated that he thought having a Charrett would be to the advantage of the town.  The Charrett provides research on the building (history), what should be done to the building and the impact any change would have to the area.   Jeff Taylor would provide a Charrett at the cost of $30,000.00.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she agreed with the appointment of a committee and asked the Board’s permission to begin looking for individuals who might be interested in serving.  D. Nashawaty suggested that Volunteer Forms be available at the next Invite meeting.  The Board thought this was a good idea.  Emma Smith reported that she wrote a letter to Yankee magazine and asked if they would like to do an article on the building.    Stephen White stated that he did not believe the fee of $30,000.00 was a large amount of money, but that the Selectmen should be ready to be able to present to the people a need at the next Town Meeting should this be a warrant article.  He stated he is willing to work on this project.  

Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006


A.  Committee Reappointments

Donna Nashawaty explained that she did not have any ready for the Board but wanted them to know that the Recreation Committee has two positions opened.  She explained to the Recreation Director, Scott Blewitt, that the Board likes to invite interested individuals to attend a meeting so they can introduce themselves and let the Board know why they are interested in serving.  Scott Blewitt will review those interested in being on the Recreation Committee with the Committee at their next meeting.  D. Nashawaty stated that one more Town Building Committee member was needed and possibly one more BAC member.   D.  Nashawaty informed the Board that at the last Town Building Committee meeting, only two members showed up.   Discussion was held on how difficult it is to get people to volunteer.  Emma Smith stated that the Town Building Committee worked very hard on the Safety Services Building.  She suggested that the Board again meet with the Town Building Committee to go over their duties.  Stephen White stated that he thought their schedule of meeting every Monday night is a bit too much to ask of people.  Emma Smith asked that she be excused from the Building Committee.  Stephen White asked if the Board could receive a listing of all boards and committees that have a Selectmen’s representative.  She will provide this and it will appear on the agenda of the next meeting.  Emma Smith suggested that the Selectmen share the spots equally.

Children’s Garden – Discussion

Emma Smith stated that it was announced in the beginning of the meeting that this meeting will be held June 5, 2006.

Richard Leone stated that he has received numerous telephone calls from residents that are very upset about this project.  He is concerned about the people who have lived in the area all of their lives and never complained about anything.   The people do not understand what is planned.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to put all Sunapee Harbor Beautification Projects on hold for the exception of the projects such as sidewalks approved in the town budget for 2006 town meeting and the stone retaining wall currently under construction; until such time the Board of Selectmen can:  (1) review all proposed plans, minutes of meetings specifically dealing with pertinent harbor projects; (2) hear input from all persons including the garden group, beautification committee and interested citizens, and (3) ascertain or recommend a reasonable solution to address the areas of disagreement which appear to be surfacing within the community.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  

Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006

Richard Leone explained the purpose for his motion.  He believes that the community has become very divided about what is either taking or will take place. He stated that as the Board of Selectmen, he feels it is the Board’s obligation to articulate and explain what is happening.  R. Leone stated that, he himself did not know.  He believes that the Board needs to review what authorization they have given to anyone group.  He stated that he was referring to a 2004 meeting where it is alleged the Selectmen gave authority to do certain things.  He asked whether some of these past decisions need to be revisited.   He stated that the Board needs to know what is going on.   R. Leone stated that the Board is held responsible for whatever they do.  The people look toward the Selectmen for leadership and he would like to defuse the feelings of the residents of the community that has been going on.  He does not like to see the community separated like it has been.   Stephen White stated that he respectfully disagreed with R. Leone.  He believes that the Board is elected representatives of the Town by the people to determine what the Town should do in certain matters.  He remembered at in 2004 both the Gardner’s and Beautification Committee came before the town with a plan to reorganize the harbor and raise money to beautify and to make it more people friendly.  S. White stated that he is surprised that this issue has started such trouble.  He is not sure that those against the project represent much of the community.  He has received messages from those that are against it and also from those that are for it.  S. White can remember that a small garden did appear in the original plan.  He feels that the items should be discussed at the June 5th meeting.  William Roach stated that he has received many messages himself.  One of the items brought up to him was the stone wall in front of the gazebo.  He was asked by someone when the Selectmen approved the project.  W. Roach stated that he had to admit that he did not think the Selectmen ever did.  He met with Tony Bergeron and they looked at the original plan of the harbor area.  The area that is being planned for the children’s garden, on the map, was shown as a circular walkway flush to the ground.    W. Roach stated that the area in front of the gazebo was shown as a paved area, with a question mark.  There is nothing noted about a wall.  The Board has never given their blessings on this matter.  W. Roach can remember that the Board did approve the harbor project, but with the original map.  The plan on the map is not being followed.  He agrees very strongly with R. Leone but wishes to remove from the motion the mention of the retaining wall.  W. Roach asked R. Leone if he would amend his motion to exclude the mention of the retaining wall.  R. Leone added that he received many calls from people who never complain and he is very concerned about having the project so close to the water.  With regard to the retaining wall, S. White stated that it was constructed to stop erosion. R. Leone believes that the Board needs more dialogue with the Gardner’s and Beautification Committee and put this project on hold.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she had spoken with someone and this individual also questioned actions taking place in the harbor.   There are misconceptions and she agrees with R. Leone that a better dialogue is needed.  

Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006

D. Nashawaty stated, for the record, that there are a number of things going on in the harbor area.  One of those is that the old trash containers have been replaced with some wooden ones made by the new maintenance person.  Also, in June crosswalks will be going in.  These will be stamped brick crosswalks.  The parking lines will be repainted.  D. Nashawaty wanted to make sure the Selectmen knew about these items and that they are all in the approved budget.  Also the budget includes funds for the Beautification Committee to purchase annuals to plant in the harbor and the doors and trim on the porch on the restroom will be painted by the Highway Department.  D. Nashawaty wanted to make it clear that there are a number of things that are going on.  

Fred Gallup agreed that the problems are misconceptions.  He believes the Board should get a better handle on what is planned.  F. Gallup has found that this has become a very emotional issue.  He thinks that discussion should be held at the June 5th meeting to get a general idea of what the population wants.  He would like a chance to look at the project staked out.  F. Gallup would like to table the motion.  

Gene Hall of the Beautification Committee explained that his committee and the Gardner’s have tried to do a good plan and believes what has been done in the past has been well received.   He stated that the committee and Gardner’s did not come to see the Selectmen to inform them of a lot of small items that took place.  G. Hall stated he thought a good relationship was maintained by his committee and the Selectmen.  He also thought there was a good relationship with the community.  He does not believe that a lot of people object to the project.

William Roach stated that the Gardner’s and Beautification Committee have done an excellent job in the harbor, but feels that the Board should be asked for authorization when the plans are changed.  It is nice to be able to answer questions from the residents when asked.  

Donna Nashawaty explained that there have been items the Beautification Committee and Gardner’s have come to her and Tony Bergeron for approval.  She knew about the retaining wall and so did T. Bergeron.  D. Nashawaty stated that she meant for this to be an agenda item, but with the delay of discussion of the Children’s Garden, it was never discussed.   She also added that benches were placed in the area that was not previously discussed and these never came before the Board because no one complained.  D. Nashawaty stated that maybe there are some miscommunications going on and she will try to correct these, but that there are times when some decisions have to be made on the spot by either she or Tony Bergeron.  There are somethings that happen that the Board will not be aware of.  

Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006

Stephen White stated that this is the first time that any of the changes at the harbor have been complained about.  A lot of the improvements made at the harbor by the Beautification Committee and Gardner’s were paid for out of their own pockets.  He believes that the June 5th meeting should be held for open discussion.  

Richard Leone stated that he appreciates what the Gardner’s and Beautification Committee have done, but feels it would be unfair for him to turn his back on the people who have complained to him.  

Patricia Hall stated that when the proposal was presented to the Board of Selectmen, none of the Board members had anything bad to say about it.  R. Leone stated that he did speak against the project because he was afraid of its close proximity to the water.  P. Hall stated that the project was moved 50 feet back from the water because of his concerns.

Gene Hall stated that he feels the Board is allowing a small group of people to make the Board’s decisions.  Emma Smith stated that this is not a small group of people because the Selectmen would not have to hold a public hearing if it were.  She stated that she has heard from new and old residents alike.  

Emma Smith asked for a motion to amend the motion to include W. Roach’s amendment.  Richard Leone seconded the motion.

Richard Leone asked what the Board will do; make them tear the wall down?  W. Roach said his amendment would provide that all projects in the harbor will be stopped before the next meeting.  R. Leone does not want the wall removed from his motion so that the wall can be finished.  William Roach withdrew his amendment.  Richard Leone withdrew his second to the amendment.

Harry Gazelle stated that he thought Donna Nashawaty and Tony Bergeron were only doing their job when they made the decision to put up the retaining wall.  He was assured that this was true but William Roach stated that the Selectmen should have known about it.  H. Gazelle stated that they were only performing their duty.  Emma Smith agreed with H. Gazelle.  H. Gazelle stated that the Board has more important town projects to spend their time on than this project.  D. Nashawaty asked if R. Leone’s motion stopped the Gardner’s from staking out the garden area.  The response was that it would not.  They have already been given approval to stake out the area.  Richard Leone added to his motion that the Children’s Garden will be discussed at the June 5, 2006 meeting and possibly finalized.  William Roach agreed with the amendment.  There were four votes in favor with one abstaining.

Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006

Vote on the motion as amended.  Three voted in favor.  One abstained.  One opposed.

D. Nashawaty will add to the agenda – Sunapee Beautification Committee presenting the proposal with all of the pieces relative to the Children’s Garden.  They will be scheduled for 7 PM.

C.  Emergency Management Division

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Emergency Management Division has established a regional collaboration for a Permanent Emergency Response Region.    This has been established to take care of epidemic responses.  The state has put pressure on the Town of Sunapee as to what district they will be in.  She explained a draft Memo of Understanding she received.  One thousand dollars would be received from the federal government and this would be used to pay someone to do a preparedness plan.  The town has the option to join up with other towns.  D. Nashawaty recommended that Sunapee join up with Newbury and New London since Sunapee’s emergency plan also includes Mt. Sunapee State Park in Newbury.  New London Hospital was very interested in becoming involved but D. Nashawaty feels they may now be backing out.  Now an All Hazards Region may be established to include 6 towns.  D. Nashawaty asked that the Board appoint the Town Manager to designate the fiscal agent to work this out as best as she sees fit with input from the Emergency Management Director and Health Officer.  No money needs to be appropriated.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to appoint the Town Manager to designate the fiscal agent to work out a regional plan with the Emergency Management Director and Health Officer as they see fit.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


A.  Safety Services – Update

All Board members have visited the new building and are impressed with its construction.   Fred Gallup was not satisfied with the road.   D. Nashawaty explained some damage to the road because of a flooding problem with a sewer line.  The same problem occurred on High Street due to the large amount of rain received.  F. Gallup was also concerned about the radius on the corner on the road.  He stated if a driver stays in his lane and is pulling a trailer; the corner is not wide enough to turn.  He would like to see something done about this before the final paving.  Also, he would like to see the edges of the road replaced.  With regard to outside lighting, D. Nashawaty reported that she had them wire a censor with a solar light on it to the outside of the building to the flagpole.  Discussion was held on the interior painting which does not seem to look too well with orange tinted lighting.  This will be corrected.  There are a lot of little details that needed repairing.  This is all being taken care of.
Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006

The next “walk through” for the building is May 30 to look for things that may need replacement or repair.  Moving in day has not been established.  An open house may possibly be held at the end of June.    

B.  DOT:  Route 11 Intersection and Speed Limit

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she received a response from DOT relative to Browns Hill Road intersection onto Route 11.  DOT will remove ledge to the east of Browns Hill Road to improve sight distance within the next several months.  With regard to the flashing beacon, the Town would be responsible for the charges which are about $30.00 per month.   To receive this, the Town must write a letter to DOT asking that the light be installed.  Also, the DOT is requesting a copy of motor vehicle accidents for the last three years.  Chief Cahill will take care of this.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the DOT said speed limits were a tougher issue to resolve.  They have requested speed studies be done at the top of the east bound truck lane and Browns Hill Road to determine what the travel speeds are.  After the results, DOT will meet with Chief Cahill and NH State Police to discuss possible goals of action.  This should be addressed within 30 to 60 days.  

C.  Waste Receptacles:  Built and Placed

D. Nashawaty asked the Selectmen if they had noticed the new trash receptacles placed through out town.  These were constructed by the new maintenance person, Craig Heino.   They are a great improvement to the Town.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that with regard to the renovations to Town Hall, the sight plans are now underway to determine where the entrance to the basement can go.   These will be given to the designer.  The Recreation Department needs a place to put the items they have stored in the basement.  The Recreation Committee will contribute one half of the cost of an 8’x20’ shed to be erected in Dewey Field.  The Town will pay the remainder.  Fred Gallup stated that there was a shed next to the Fire Station that could be used.  D. Nashawaty will see if she can find someone to move it for her.  

D.  Storm Update:  FEMA Preliminary Report

The Town has reported damage in the range of $77,000 to FEMA for the past flooding.

Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2006


The Children’s Garden was briefly discussed and how the meeting on June 5th will be handled.  

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 PM

Submitted by,   Darlene Morse                   Approved_____________________

 ____________________________          _______________________
 Emma Smith, Chairman                          Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

 ____________________________          _______________________
 Richard Leone                                 William Roach

 Frederick Gallup